I have a hosting help at h2m.ru

Тема закрыта
Iam in Vietnam, can not
be activated h2m.ru
hosting. Who is in the
registry please help me? If
one accepts to help
implement or register with
la 2ndragon account,
password, but you. When
completed registry
application and activate the
mailbox to send
information 2ndragon92@
gmail.com. Thanks
Activation fee, I think nobody can do it. I advise you to search a free web hosting
Cũng tạo ra trên trang web H2M Tôi không khuyên. Các máy chủ liên tục chậm, treo và như vậy.
Kubica (30.09.2010/08:06)
Cũng tạo ra trên trang web H2M Tôi không khuyên. Các máy chủ liên tục chậm, treo và như vậy.
seg0ro will talk to you for this posting, like this: please speak english
Living in places you have
any good free webhosting
and no longer exists??
Please help me have an
2ndragon (30.09.2010/08:44)
Living in places you have
any good free webhosting
and no longer exists??
Please help me have an
maybe 000webhost.com? kilu.de? byethost.com? hostgator.com?
Thank you !!!
2ndragon (30.09.2010/09:07)
Thank you !!!
thank you too
Let Mortal Kombat begin
Kubica, please, speak English.
BY ShelL
Всего: 21