
Search Graber (4shared)for jcms 3.xx and 4.xx.not tested on jcms 4.2.
Serbian&English language
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Now look at that for graber
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Yes, a good search engine But in the cyrillic alphabet is absolutely refuses to look.
demo is here
Pillott (04.06.2011/17:39)
Yes, a good search engine But in the cyrillic alphabet is absolutely refuses to look.
where is cyrilic alphabet??
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blackfox93, I just tried to enter Russian text in search box. Nothing happened
aha,I get it bro...stupid
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blackfox93, We have a saying: no harm in trying
Pillott (04.06.2011/19:02)
blackfox93, We have a saying: no harm in trying
yes,you right
Sorry if my English bad,
I'm sharing this .. grab a
complete script and a demo
script you can see in
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